Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Coursework on Family Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Coursework on Family Law - Essay Example Family law is a diverse field of study. In order to cover the full range of subjects associated with its research, my primary focus is on discussing the impact of such a study on a variety of disciplines affected by its impact: with this aim in mind I have attempted to test a central hypothesis (or research question) which would aid in deciding the course of action for better evaluation of the family law concept. Using established sources for feasibility study (Hasday, 2004; Stark, 2006; Rocher, 2003; Elardo, 2002; Abu-Odeh, 2004), the following research question has been tested in this essay: Family law is dynamic, in a constant state of flux and its mechanisms are governed by the legal traditions in which they are formulated1. In my study, I shall focus on English Common Law as the basis for this methodological evaluation. Doing it would require a detailed grasp of the following evaluation parameters which have been tested for their relevance to our study (see below). 1 Refer the following sources for a comparative analysis of main research parameters covered under study: Hasday, 2004; Stark, 2006; Rocher, 2003; Elardo, 2002; Abu-Odeh, 2004 Literature Review/research parameters: As has been discussed in our evaluation scenario, English Common Law is the basis for understanding the legal traditions within which this area of study operates. Since family law is a diverse concept, the following elements are within the scope of study (Carbonne, 2000; Esposito, 1982; Frier & Ginn, 2004; Sutherland & McCall-Smith, 1990): 1. Entering marriage: Marriage as a contract or a status and their statutory requirements. In this section, we'll mainly look at the main legal requirements of a common law marriage. 2. Legal consequences of marriage (abortion): Pregnancy and abortion are issues that hold a lot of importance to . 3. Changing marriage norms: Here we shall take a look into civil unions covering themes such as same sex marriage, rights/responsibilities and their implications. 4. Conception of children: Controversial concepts such as sterilization and surrogate parenthood are covered under this theme. Also, paternity testing is discussed. 5. Domestic violence and other family disputes: This is an important area of family law in which different ethical constraints are evaluated for common research scope studies. 6. Child supervision: This covers areas such as parental supervision, child abuse and foster care. 7. Adoption: The legal consequences of adoption have been discussed for understanding the dynamic changes brought into the system through an

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